We sat down the other night and watched the first episode of Grey's Anatomy. I've heard such great things about this show, so I've been looking forward to watching it. After seeing the first episode, I have two things to say:
1. I hope that the tendency of going into heavy music decreases. I mean, I like a good pop song to tell me what I should be feeling and that this is a hip, edgy place to be as much as the next person, but they cut away to trendy music at least 4 times, maybe more. I do understand that it is the RARE series where the pilot episode is it's best, so I'm guessing it will get a lot better. It was pretty good right off the back though, so I have high hopes. (High apple pie in the sky hopes...)
2. When the resident (it's only the first episode...I only know him as Dr. 007, but that's him in the picture, above) had to go and tell the family that the patient had died during his bypass surgery when he had promised the wife that he would be ok...part of me remembered last year when my mom had her hysterectomy. I was waiting in the waiting room (where else) with my grandmother, my uncle, Ted, and Maya, and the surgeon came out to tell us that everything was ok. I started to lose it. I was SO scared that she was going to die on the table, or have a heart attack or a stroke, and all of that fear bubbled to the surface as profound relief, and I started to cry. (background...Ted's mom had already suffered 2 heart attacks at this point, his father had died from stroke, and a dear friend had very recently gone through her father having one or the other on the table during back surgery, which left him paralyzed for the rest of his life...my fear was very real and justified...thankfully, not actualized.) Neither my grandmother nor my uncle reached out to comfort me, perhaps because they were just too relieved and emotional themselves and couldn't manage to help me out, or whatever. Ted and Maya were elsewhere at the moment. The doctor reached over and gave me a very comforting hug, and she made me feel SO much better. Like I wasn't alone, and like she cared, and was glad that my mom was O.K., too. I have already forgotten her name, but I'll never forget her 'bedside manner' with me, out in the waiting room, terrified of losing my Mom.
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