Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Is this the winter of our discontent? Distempter? I don't know. Maya told me this morning that she doesn't want to go to school today, because she feels 'queasy'. I wasn't sure what to do, because the LAST time she felt queasy, she was definately sick. But she could also just be tired, because Saturday night she was at a sleepover with a bunch of girlscout friends, and yesterday she went on a field trip on a boat on the Delta, and we didn't get home until about 6:30, and she was tired. Would she fake it? She's not much of a faker, but I could see her getting herself worked up that she doesn't feel like going to school today, and making herself queasy. I've been known to do that to myself, especially when I didn't really feel like going to school. So I told her, since we were almost at school anyway, that we should go in and take her temperature in the office. She said she felt better then. I wasn't sure if she was really feeling better, or just embarrased about having her temp taken in the office. Or resigned that her evil mother was going to make her go to school no matter what. So she's at school. I hope she's really better, and that I didn't make my sick child go to school and infect the other kids and basically suffer all day. Ah, the guilt of parenthood.


Autumn's Mom said...

Poor Maya. We went through this last week. Whatever it was passed very quickly. And we have happily returned to school. I hate the second guessing, but it comes with the territory doesn't it?

Cherry said...

Once I really didn't want to take a math test, so I told the teacher that I didn't feel well. He sent me to the office, and lo-and-behold, I had a temp of 103.

I didn't really WANT to be sick, so that kinda sucked.

Busy Mom said...

Been there! Oh, wait, I'm there right now...