Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Cherry!

Today is my dear friend Cherry's birthday! Happy Birthday, Missy!

Cherry is a wonderful, giving, (too) hard working, friend. She loves to cook for her friends, go out with her friends, hang out with her friends, whatever...just bless us all with her company. Thanks, Cherry, for being the wonderful person that you are.

Now, if you look at Cherry's post today, you'll see that we celebrated Cherry's birthday in style on Sunday at Fenton's Creamery in Oakland, where the smallest ice cream they serve is still as big as your head. Maya and Jackie shared a 3 lb. banana split...(she has the 'before' photo on her post)

But they finally had to admit defeat and go watch more ice cream being made in the 'factory' part of the restaurant.

Cherry, you are a wonderful friend, one who gives so much joy and fun to your friends and family. I feel very fortunate to have met you, and am proud to count you as my friend. Happy Birthday!

(Today will be a two post Tuesday...I have to write a few things about the concert I went to last night...but first I have to do some work and get the kid to school, etc. So come back later, OK?)

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