So the latest on the celebrity face match, in comments from readers, is that I look less like Evangeline Lilly, less like J.Biggs, and more like:
Meryl Streep (I'll take that)
Glen Close (I'll take that, too)
and Laura Dern (I'll definately take that!).
When I was in High School, I had someone tell me I looked kind of like Susan Sarandon, but after that, maybe 1993, I used to get Laura Dern more often. Laura Dern is a lot taller than me, I think, and much skinnier/flatter chested, but there are

definately similiarities. The shape of the eyes, the shape of the mouth, though her lips are fuller...maybe make up or collegen, or just fuller lips? If I truly look something like her, does that mean when I get older, I'll look like Diane Ladd? (That's Laura's mom, if you didn't know) I could do worse, but if anyone saw them play mother/daughter in "Wild at Heart", I hope I don't turn out CRAZY like that. ;) Of course, Laura Dern is a beautiful movie star type, and I'm an average joe, but I'm definately happier with this comparison than with Jason Biggs, or even Matthew McConaughey. Sorry, M. You're just so...mannish. And I don't have dimples, much as I wish I did.
i'll admit that i tried myheritage again after reading your initial post, and i got grace kelly (not smiling photo) and ashley judd (smiling photo). i'll take that as a compliment even though i look like neither. your new results are MUCH better than jason biggs! i remember lotusreads got a really funny result too, but i don't remember what it was. let's ask her!
When I first saw your photo at the top of your blog, I thought you looked like Laura Dern.
Okay, using the picture from my blog, I got Shannen Doherty as a match, only because the picture has nearly the same hairstyle.
A picture of me dressed up for Halloween dressed as a vampire resulted in Hillary Duff.
A pictue of my new haircut gave me a match of Natalie Imbruglia.
Most of these seem to be matching on the hairstyle. But, I would love to have the bone structure of these women. I can't remember what my first picture resulted in, it was wacky, perhaps a man?
You *do* look like Laura Dern!
Let's just keep our finglings crossed that you don't look like Diane Ladd in "Wild At Heart" ;P
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