Just a few things...First, today is the first day of
Passover. Happy Passover everyone, and if you celebrate with a Seder, enjoy! We're only Jewish for Hannukah, so we won't be celebrating...but we wish everyone who does a lovely evening.
Second, today is national
D.E.A.R. day. DEAR stands for Drop Everything And Read. Maya's class does this in the mornings when they get to school every day, which is nice. If you have time in your day, sit down today and read for 30 minutes to celebrate. Why leave all the fun for the kids? :)
Lastly, I'm getting a lot of SPAM email. Blech. Comes in looking like this:
Anonymous said...
Very nice! I found a place where you can
make some nice extra cash secret shopping. Just go to the site below
and put in your zip to see what's available in your area.
I made over $900 last month having fun!

I'm going to try to avoid the comment verification where you would have to copy the yucky letters before you post, because I HATE that. I get so few comments, I think I can handle this by turning on Comment Moderation. That means I'll get an email with the comments, and I have to authorize them before they appear. So you won't see your comments appear right away. If it completely sucks, maybe I'll try the stupid verification thing. Sorry.
SPAM in all forms (and I'm including the kind you eat) should be outlawed!!! hahaha
I'm with autumn's mom. I think SPAM really stands for Such A Pain in the Ass, Man.
Well, at least that was the best I could come up with in 20 seconds. :)
the spam is just the worst - absolute nonsense -
in other news...lol - i've tagged you!!
I HATE the word verification thing. HATE it! If you keep having trouble, you can try Haloscan--it's free, and I've only had one spam comment come through.
You do lose comments, though, after about 3 months. BUT, if you pay them $12/yr, the comments will return. Pretty good deal, I say, and no fcking word verification!
I turned off my word verification, and within 24 hours I got THREE of the exact same spams you just got. So I turned it back on.
I have fun with word veri words, actually. I`ve gotten some cool words on people`s blog -- my favorites so far were, "oufsnacx," which I believe is some kind of German cracker, and "orgosm," which is just sooooo close to a real word.
There`s also this:
I, too, hate the comment verification thingy but I started getting solicitations that were fake, "Great blog, I'll definitely be back to visit! In the meantime, check out my website at wwww.youneedviagranow.com"
I hear you, sister. Comment spam stinks, even if you are a comment whore. ;) (That made me laugh yesterday). I finally turned on the verification. It's a pain, but not as much of a pain as finding spam in my comments. I'm a comment whore, too, but sometimes you just have to kick comment spam outta bed! Can I get an "amen"?
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